
Desktop Phone Hacks Happen… Here’s How to Protect Your Business

Many offices have IP phones, but unknown to most users is that hackers can actually listen to everything that’s going on in the room – whether or not you are on a phone call.

Hackers from a remote location have been able to exploit some IP phones’ vulnerable software and firmware to gain access – even phones sitting behind a firewall.

Here’s some of the mischief hackers can do when they ‘tap’ your IP phone:

  • Listen in on your phone conversations and identify who you’re calling.
  • With access to the phone’s microphone, hackers can feed the conversation into a speech-to-text engine and post the transcript to social media.
  • Since the microphone never shuts off, hackers can listen to everything the phone hears, such as conversations in a company’s board room.

IP phones are basically computers and manufacturers periodically issue software and firmware updates to plug security holes. The trouble is that smaller businesses – and many larger ones – are still lax about keeping their systems updated with the latest patches.

The most effective way to stop hackers from taking control of your IP phones – or any other computer – is to keep the software and firmware current with the latest patches from your phone manufacturer.

Ignoring these patches – or waiting too long to implement them – could leave your business exposed to hackers bent on doing it serious harm.

Concerned about possible IP phone vulnerabilities at your location? Reach out to TCI today… We have communication solutions that can protect your business. Contact us today: (703) 321-3030 or

Get to Know TCI Host and How You Can Add Cloud Power to Your On-site Phone System

With the complex pricing models and cost of communications infrastructure today, it’s hard to know what the best solution for your organization may be… Stay on-site? Jump into the cloud? Or implement something in between?

While many businesses are already reaping the advantages of moving their voice communications to the cloud, for others replacing phone systems across all offices in favor of cloud technology may not be the best way to go.

With TCI Host, we can add the Unified Communication (UC) functionality you need by integrating your on-site hardware with cloud applications that will better connect your employees and customers.

Our experts enhance your on-site deployment with cloud services to provide what you’re looking for… collaboration tools, mobile connectivity, team meeting capabilities, call center with CRM integration, and much more.

The bottom line… You don’t have to move everything to the cloud to access its benefits. A hybrid, on-site UC solution can offer many of the cloud’s advantages – giving you the flexibility, scalability and control you want. Plus, a TCI Host hybrid architecture is more secure and more reliable than a standalone system, including built-in redundancies and backups.

When you are ready to move all of your voice services into the cloud, you’ll have much of the infrastructure in place with TCI Host. Best of all, we’ll be with you every step of the way. Your local TCI team handles all the details, sets up everything and gets your people up to speed on Day One.

Ready to get started? Contact us today at (703) 321-3030 or



Aging Phone System Slowing You Down? Mobilize Your Business with Cloud Voice Service

Still tethered to your desk while taking calls? If your old phone system is still holding you back, now is a great time to upgrade your communications to Cloud Voice.

You’ll get more mobility, quality, and reliability – all at a lower cost than you’re paying now. You’ll be able to easily add offices, users and features as you grow, and customize how you connect with your customers and your team.

Here are 6 ways Cloud Voice can add value to your business…

  • Productivity – With your communications tools in the cloud, users get a seamless experience on any device, anywhere in the world so they can easily manage voice, email and IM from a single screen.
  • Simplicity and Security – You’ll appreciate having a system that’s simple to use and manage, with no boxes to install or software to maintain. You also get high reliability, exceptional quality and enterprise-class security through the cloud.
  • Connectivity – Access the same phone and collaboration features you enjoy from your office anywhere, so you can seamlessly transition from the office to the airport, the golf course, or your kids’ soccer practice without missing an interaction.
  • Management – Easily add, move, change, and delete users from an online portal with a simple click-and-drag interface. Instead of managing routine updates to the system, you can reallocate your IT resources to activities that require more technical expertise.
  • Business Analytics – With powerful data visualization tools accessed via intuitive dashboards, you can view real-time analytics to better plan contact center agent resources and fine tune your organization’s call flow for optimal performance.
  • Customer Service – When you integrate Cloud Voice with your contact center, including and other CRM solutions, you can link callers and data in real time to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Don’t let inertia and your old phone system hold you back another day… Let’s talk about Cloud Voice for your business. Contact TCI today: (703) 321-3030 or